Pregnancy & Postnatal

Pregnancy Community

Designed to adapt with you, as you adapt to your pregnancy. You’ll build awareness, strength, confidence and community. Our pregnancy classes and courses aim to support your personal journey and prepare you for what's to come.

Postnatal Community

You can bring your baby to all our postnatal classes, so there’s no need to find childcare. Classes are informal, fun and relaxed – you are free to feed, change, or soothe babies whenever you want.

Classes from £12 with our Pregnancy\Postnatal Bundle.

Class must be booked online in advance.

Regular Pregnancy & Postnatal Events

  • With Suzie, from Soothe-me at Ánimo E3, Victoria Park (475 Roman Road)

    Mondays 10:30-11:45 for 5 weeks

    Next start date: 3rd March

    ​​£125. Includes a mini bottle of award-winning fairtrade baby massage oil and a calming aromatherapy roller.

    Book here


    This course is aimed at new mums and includes postnatal nervous system recovery techniques. Other parents and family are welcome to join though too.

    Learn wonderful developmental massage techniques, moves, holds & sounds to help soothe baby and you. Each of the 5 sessions builds on the one before, so you really gain confidence with your developmental baby massage routine.

    ​Developmental baby massage supports babies' physical development steps and releases build up of stress and unprocessed emotions in the body. It eases tension and digestive issues like wind, reflux and colic and reduces build up of stress hormones and enhances sleep quality by releasing comforting and connection hormone oxytocin.

    ​About Suzie

    Suzie has been teaching developmental baby massage since 2006, helping parents to harness healing touch to soothe, calm and deepen bonds with babies. In 2008 after having a difficult time with her birth and little son then having terrible reflux she created this course to help support mums nervous systems and emotional wellbeing after the huge transition and experience of birth and caring for a baby.

    What to expect

    To begin each session we ease in with a guided grounding & self massage routine to soothe and support your nervous system and help settle you and baby into the space.

    In the middle - baby massage time! Each week you will learn specific massage and movement echniques for different parts of the body and have fun learning holds and swings that encourage good postural alignment and balance of ‘left and right brain’.

    To end -  mums receive a mini tension release massage then time to enjoy relaxation, rest and to reflect. Connect with others to share stories after the huge energetic transformational experience of birth. 


    Benefits for Babies:

    • Optimal postural development

    • Better sleep & emotional regulation

    • Relief of wind, colic and reflux

    • Ease stored birth trauma

    Benefit for Mums:

    • Relaxation of healing touch

    • Gain awareness of your stress response

    • Support your emotional well-being

    Enhance connection to self & baby

  • MAMASPACE with Dani

    Semi regularly on Mondays 14:30-15:30

    Next date: TBC

    Included in unlimited memberships & intro offers or £18/ 4 credits

    Ánimo E3, Victoria Park

    Register your interest


    A safe space for mums. This monthly circle is a chance to connect, share stories, find freedom, explore vulnerability and discover growth. Together, we'll celebrate the joys and doubts of motherhood. We end the circle with a sound of drum healing to bring back grounding energy. Time to re-charge and fill up your cup Place to feel, relax and receive Space to release and shift energy.

  • Monthly on Fridays 14:30-15:30

    Next date: TBC

    Ánimo E3, Roman Road

    £25 or 7 credits - you can use your postnatal credits for this :-)

    Book here

    Join us for a sound bath designed especially for our postnatal community. No need to worry about finding childcare - you can bring your baby with you. (Suitable from newborns up to crawling.) Pablo will lead this deeply relaxing session. He will use smaller gongs and sound bowls to keep things gentle and friendly for baby ears, while still providing all the healing benefits of a traditional sound bath. As always with our postnatal classes, you can take time to soothe, feed and change babies whenever you need. So please don't worry about needing to persuade your little one to be quiet! Everyone is in the same boat.

  • Baby Yogi, Stretch & Play!

    With Suzie, from Soothe-me at Ánimo E3, Victoria Park (475 Roman Road)

    Mondays 09:30 - 10:25 for 5 weeks

    Next start date: 3rd March


    Book here


    A fun class for older more active babies (3 months to crawling) to stretch, move and experience sensory play with wooden and precussion type toys.
    Learn moves, holds, swings & songs that help babies posture & developmental steps.
    - Mums receive a shoulder massage to finish in the beautiful Animo space.

    by Developmental Baby Massage & Baby Yoga Therapist, Suzie

Pregnancy & Postnatal Schedule

Postnatal & Pregnancy Classes at Ánimo E3 & N16